Destined with You novel - Chapter 294

Chapter 294


Chapter 294: Chapter 299: Impossible to Love Another Woman

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Translator: 549690339 

It was supposed to be Gu Qingxin taking Long Xuxu around, but in actuality, Long Xuxu was leading the way, with Gu Qingxin forced to trail behind her.

Miss Gu, what do you think of Han? Long Xuxu suddenly turned around to ask her.

Gu Qingxin raised her head to glance at her, 1 dont know much about the young master.

As far as she was concerned, Beiming Han was too elusive, so much so that she couldnt see through him at all.

Beyond their physical relationship, she frankly knew nothing about him.

If one were to talk about familiarity it would only pertain to his body.

Ive known Han for many years. Our families are close friends and have always regarded us as a couple. But he was deeply in love with another woman at that time, so I could only silently adore him, Long Xuxu spoke as though sharing her innermost feelings.

The woman Beiming Han was deeply in love with

Gu Qingxin felt as if her heart was being ruthlessly seized by a large hand, leaving her gasping for air.

She brought to mind the woman in the photo wedged within the book in the study.

1 know that Han will never forget her in his lifetime, hell never fall in love with another woman again. There was a tone of sorrow in Long Xuxus voice.

But 1 dont care, 1 really love him.

Gu Qingxin couldnt understand why Long Xuxu was telling her these things. She didnt feel that they had reached such a level of intimacy yet.

Miss Gu, are you alright? You look a bit pale?

Long Xuxu made an outward display of concern, but on the inside, she was laughing coldly. Today she had decided to show this worthless woman her true weight.

Im fine Gu Qingxin shook her head, her hand tightly clenched into a fist by her side.

By the way, Miss Gu, I heard there is a woman around Han now, do you know who it is?

Gu Qingxins facial expression slightly altered.

For men of their stature, its normal to have a few mistresses. As Hans future wife, 1 should learn to adapt, but it does make me uncomfortable, she added.

Girls nowadays are just too shameless! They are ready to sell everything for money! But men understand that too! All they are after is the novelty, and once they get bored, they are discarded just like used tissues! As Long Xuxu saw the discomfort on Gu Qingxins face, she felt a sense of vengeful satisfaction.

Did I say too much to you? Dont mind it! It was just a spur of the moment thing. Lets go back. With that, Long Xuxu enthusiastically took Gu Qingxins hand.

When they returned, someone handed Gu Qingxin a cup of tea. As Gu Qingxin passed it to Long Xuxu, she saw a man walk in through the entrance. Suddenly, Long Xuxus hand loosened, spilling the entire cup of tea over herself.

Ah! With a startled cry, her hand was already scalded red.

What happened! Xuxu, are you alright? Longs father angrily glared at Gu Qingxin and quickly approached his beloved daughter, glaring furiously at Gu Qingxin who was standing off to one side, Its all red, get the medicine quickly!

It wasnt me! Gu Qingxin frowned at Long Xuxus scalded hand. She had let go of the cup a long time ago!

Beiming Han walked in rapidly, the first thing he did was to examine the girl up and down, making sure she was alright.

Only after seeing that she was in no harm did he sigh a breath of relief.

You have a lot of nerve! Beiming Wujis hand was already raised in Gu Qingxins direction and swung down with a gust of air trailing it..

